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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bad Judge

Bad Judge
by William C. Walker Jr.

November 19, 2014

No I'm not talking about the recently cancelled NBC sitcom starring Kate Walsh.  Though seeing the reason for the cancellation was since nobody watched the show you probably didn't think of that. No the Bad Judge I'm referencing is the self appointed judge & jury of the NFL Roger Goodell.  In the wake of the Adrian Peterson suspension yesterday. I felt compelled to write about current NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.  Particularly how this man has chosen to set himself up as judge and jury over NFL players. For years he's operated with a blatant disregard to due process. This isn't an issue that bothered Goodell until the criticism grew loud enough.  I'd give him credit for being a tough commish who simply lays down the law. Except I wouldn't even go as far as calling him a strong leader.  Someone that sways the way the wind blows in my mind can't be deemed a strong leader.  Time & time again Goodell has shown that he reacts as opposed to acting.

The Ray Rice incident and following Peterson case have just shine a light on how inept, incompetent, and arrogant a commish that Goodell has become.  Well before the video of what took place inside that elevator, Goodell could have made the punishment significant & clear. I'll give acknowledgement that Goodell was like most in society. Out of sight out of mind in regards to domestic violence. Even though he had clear video of Rice dragging an unconscious Janay Palmer from the elevator.  As well as Rice himself telling you he hit his then fiancĂ©e in the face.  Roger Goodell chose to hand out a 2 game suspension.  Before the swell of public outrage Goodell & the league actually tried to defend the punishment.  Their defense that Rice hadn't been convicted of anything, again I'd take it as valid if Goodell in the past didn't so easily disregard that fact when doling out punishment before.  It wasn't until the voices got louder where he admitted that he erred in judgement. Then again this is what happens when you don't actually stand for anything, & just take pride in having all control.  The NFL institutes a tougher domestic violence policy.  Rice having already been punished escapes the new mandates.  Now comes the full video released by TMZ. The public goes berserk! So what does as the wind blows Goodell do?  The answer indefinitely suspend Rice of course, even if you wanted to retroactively implement the new domestic violence policy. Ray Rice would be a first time offender.  The second video didn't change what had already taken place.

My issue with Goodell isn't just his complete arrogance in how he does his job. But the flat out hypocrisy. This man has blatantly been caught lying. I'm not talking about him claiming that he never saw the full video until TMZ broke the story (though I have a hard time buying that).  I looked at that tale like maybe he set himself up like a political figure. One that delegates to staffers that way when they're busted he's built in plausible deniability or the way a mob boss would operate.  The practice could seem valid maybe even intelligent, makes it easy to admit ignorance.  Here's the rub during the Bounty Gate scandal Goodell suspended New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton for a year. When Payton claimed ignorance, Goodell's response "Ignorance is no defense". I guess what Goodell meant was it's not a valid defense except when it applies to him. For when reporters pointed out the commish's words in the matter Goodell ignored the comparison. There's the hypocrisy that makes me sick.  Even if you wanted to say ok you get a pass on the video. But when the player tells you to your face what he did.  Then you have multiple sources come out & confirm that Ray Rice told Goodell he hit Palmer in the face, you've lost the argument.  I go back to when Mike Vick got in trouble.  Part of Goodell's reasoning for be so harsh in his punishment was the fact that Vick lied to him.  So this man doesn't want to be lied to yet it's completely cool for him to do so.

At this time many were calling for Goodell's head. I was not one of them. So what's changed?  In the wake of the Peterson judgement.  I see the same man who wants to set himself above others and lay in judgement.  Now you'll have plenty say well Peterson wasn't really punished he was still getting paid.  Okay fine then why not say all that money you were paid pay it back?  Those 9 games would be even more than the 6 he has to pay now for missing the remainder of the season.

I'd love for the independent investigator of the Ray Rice incident present the evidence of Goodell's lies. I'd love for owners to vote to boot him.  I'd want Goodell to get a taste of his own medicine as the owners allowed public opinion to sway their judgement.  Apparently the way Goodell allows it to sway his.  Only problem is Goodell is at the head of a business that's making then billions so his job is probably safe. For as much talk of how people are concerned for societal ills it takes a backseat to the almighty dollar.  Let's be honest a trained monkey could run this league and make money or perhaps a Robot.

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