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Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year New Changes

New Year New Changes
January 20, 2014
By William C Walker Jr.

So much has transpired since my self imposed hiatus from my blog I wasn't even sure what I would post about.  My quest for an even keel football season started well flew out the window by Week 6, and then pretty much ended where I began.  As it became apparently clear I was staring another season of mediocrity from the 3rd year in a row 8-8 Dallas Cowboys.  I saw some really bad movies and some pretty great movies as the year closed out, but I still didn't go nearly as much as I typically do.  I stayed fired up from a bunch of political stories, and couldn't fully grasp the sheer stupidity involved on both sides in regards to the healthcare website roll out.  So I figured I might as well just try and think out loud on what I'd like to actually achieve with my blog this year.

Last year the few people that have followed my post commented on the length, so I guess I'll start there.  I'll try to keep it short and sweet.  But I'm also realistic when it comes to who I am and what I like to do.  I love to write, and I'll admit I can go on quite a rant or ramble depending on the topic.  So no promises but I'll try to keep it concise.  To my friends and fellow commentators your observations have been noted, maybe not fully implemented but noted and that's a start.

My biggest issue from 2013 was maintaining consistency not just in terms of this blog but pretty much in multiple aspects of my life.  I've never been a firm believer in making a New Year's resolutions seeing how you'll be consistent for about a week and then you're back to eating junk or skipping the gym.  Or whatever thing you said you wouldn't do which you're currently doing now.  So instead of outright proclaiming I'M GOING TO WRITE A BLOG POST EVERYDAY IN 2014! I'll just say I'm going to try and simply be consistent in 2014.  Already I'm facing change and the prospect of the unknown before the month is out.  But rather than cave under the pressure or shrink from the winds of change, I'm going to embrace it trusting in God and knowing that greatness lies ahead.