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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Game Rebounds with Oathkeeper

Game of Thrones returned to form with season 4 episode 4 Oathkeeper.  After two stellar episodes to start the season I think we can all be honest that episode 3 was a bit flat. From the slow progress of Danerys, to the aftermath of Joffrey's death this episode was just pretty much boring.  Don't get me started on the Jamie & Cersei scene, I guess the creators are working overtime on trying to draw up sympathy for Cersei.  While I still loathe the character that was a bit much, and I didn't think they could make the Jamie and Cersei relationship more gross.  They achieved it with rape next to their dead son.  But GoT came back strong with this episode similar to my write up of episode 1 here are my favorite moments.

5. Queen of Thorns partnered with Littlefinger: The one bright spot from episode 3 was the reveal that Littlefinger was behind Sansa's rescue.  This was even better with the reveal that the Queen of Thorns was in cahoots with Littlefinger to murder Joffrey.  As if you couldn't love her character anymore than you find out that she had her hands in taking out the most hated character to date.  Let the realm rejoice, as untrustworthy as Littlefinger is is how much you gotta love Olena Tyrell. Love live the Queen.

4. Locke at Castle Black?: I always wonder how the show runners are going to mix things up and change some things from the book.  The intro of Locke being at Castle Black definitely does that.  We know in the book that Jon simply just misses being reunited with his brother Bran.  But now it seems that the creators have put them on a possible collision course at Craster's Keep.  Not to mention just what exactly will Locke do once one of the Stark heirs is in his sights.  This is an interesting twist that improves on Martin's story.

3.  Bronn & Jamie: Again another change from the book since it wasn't Bronn that was training Jamie to use his left hand to fight with.  But it's a welcome one, Bronn is just as much a smart-ass as Jamie and with his right hand gone now Bronn's the better fighter.  Also who would've thought that Bronn would be the one to make Jamie realize how much his brother Tyrion needs him.  The interaction with them is money and it'd make me even want to watch a spin-off the Adventures of Jamie & Bronn.  It's amazing to me a character I hated so much during season 1 in Jamie has slowly won me over to actually root for him sort of, though they definitely didn't help his cause last week.

2. The Lannister Brothers: Jamie genuinely loves his brother Tyrion, and it's this scene this interaction between the two that made this episode so awesome.  Tyrion from the get go has always been one of my favorite characters.  But seeing him in such dire straights where the jokes have stopped, and he's seriously in fear for his life.  It was really nice to see two brothers talking one little brother pleading with his big brother to help him out.  Anyone that has brothers like I do can totally relate and understand how as a big brother you want to be there for your family.  As much as Jamie's scene with Cersei last week made you really shrink away in disgust, this scene made you start to like the Kingslayer again.  Not since last season's scene with Brienne where Jamie explained why he killed the Mad King have you actually started to feel for the guy.  He genuinely loves his family now it's easy to say in the case of his sister too much so, but this at least makes you appreciate him.

1. King of White Walkers?: Leave to Game of Thrones to make up for the dud of last week with another episode ending that made me leap out of my seat!  It's evident to me that George R. R. Martin is caught, and by next season I wouldn't be surprised if he was passed. Who knows when the Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring will come out.  Guess what at this point I don't care!  I mean this scene was awesome we've always wondered what do the White Walkers want with these babies?  Every time we've seen one of these creatures it's been awesome, but not since the end of Season 2 with that army of the dead have I been more jazzed to know more.  From the way the scene was shot the perspective of this innocent baby, to the icy reveal of these frozen figures.  Than you see who's clearly their leader an ice crowned White Walker, "What's he going to do to that baby!?" I literally was shouting at the TV.  Than every so slowly you see what he's doing changing the baby it a White Walker!  YOOOOOOOOOO! Way to rebound Game of Thrones cannot wait for more!

Obligatory mention: If you've wondered why their was no mention of Danerys it's because I seriously don't care. I'm sorry I appreciate what the character is doing, I mean yes who doesn't love someone freeing slaves. However much like season 1 I'm just pretty bored with this character, and very similar to how I felt in the books like how I feel like Danerys chapters are a chore I just find myself not caring.

Just missed the cut: Jamie sending Brienne and Podrick on their quest.  I know the title of the episode was taken from the name of the sword Oathkeeper that Jamie gives to Brienne as he sets her on her quest to find Sansa.  But it just misses the cut..

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